In Search of The Truth: The Modern Mystery School By Reverend Rebecca A. Nagy
Back in the 70s, I came across the idea of karma and reincarnation via a novel I was reading during summer school at UNCC. Being raised Catholic, these were new and revolutionary ideas to me, but ideas that made so much sense! How orderly a progression towards God it was - the idea that we evolved in spirit through different lifetimes, retaining what we had learned as our innate talents and abilities; That we really did reap what we had sown. The missing links, as it was, between science and religion. Suddenly, I knew there was a greater truth that existed about who we were, why we are here and where we are going. And I began to search for THE TRUTH.
What is the Ancient Wisdom? In my quest for the truth, I began studying the major religions of the world, both modern and ancient. What I began to find was that there was a basic truth underlying all these systems, were just been called the ancient wisdom teachings. I learned that there was an esoteric and an exoteric meaning to all religious paths.
Esoteric is derived from the Greek word, eso meaning “within” – that which is hidden, unseen, secret, inner – or out-of-sight. In the Bible – which is reality a book of this hidden wisdom, the Master Jesus spoke of mysteries reserved for disciples which he did not offer the public. His public teachings, the parables, were meant to bring a new dispensation to humanity’s understanding of a loving father, rather than a vengeful deity.
Exoteric comes from the Greek root exo meaning outside. Popular religious teachings which are given openly and publicly. The Christian Church has traditionally emphasized the exoteric message of its faith, dogma, and doctrine, while neglecting the mystery side of the Christian teachings.
It was the esoteric meanings behind my own faith tradition that gave me renewed faith, renewed hope, and a new understanding of the conflicting messages that organized religion has presented over the centuries. I began to see that there were other more meaningful connotations to the written traditions of all major religions. A truth that gave us all a way to connect with the cosmic creator with.
Before the last century the ancient wisdom teachings were only available to initiates in mystery schools. These esoteric orders were gradually forced underground by the rise of the newly formed state religion dash Christianity. The old ways were finally stamped out during the reign of terror called the Inquisition, and the mystery schools were given a bad rap. They were given labels such as witchcraft and "of the devil". Anything that did not adhere to the company line of the Catholic Church was feared, hated, and ultimately killed. If it wasn't in the Bible, it was not true. The problem was The Bible itself was so manipulated that it lost much of the truths that the Master Jesus, as the Christ, had come to give all of humanity.
A lie told a thousand times is believed more than the truth told once.
But the ancient, or ageless wisdom teachings give a meaning and a purpose to life they explain a more cosmic understanding of the great energy we call God that contain references to our ancestors “from the stars” that makes sense of the mythology of all religions. And they give us hope for the future, that there is indeed a plan and a purpose that inspires the happenings of the times. The mystery school tradition teaches us about how each time humanity is ready, a great one or avatar, comes to the planet to give us another step on the ladder towards union with cosmic creator. These great teachers begin to appear when a critical mass has been reached that are ready for more of The Truth as one Age shifts into the next Age. Today we are shifting from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.
A Personal Relationship with The Cosmos At the core of these ancient wisdom traditions is one common practice - meditation. Meditation is the “magic key” of finding a personal relationship with God or the Creator, finding your center, purpose. The mystery school tradition teaches you how to balance the inner life with study and spiritual disciplines and practices. This is the only way open (and I don't use that term very much) that one can know the Creator, know spirit, know the Soul, without getting ungrounded, becoming too spacey, or going crazy.
There is an art and a science to true spirituality. There is a mystical path and a path of study and method that will lead all humanity to a greater sense of what truth is and allow a more personal relationship with that great cosmic for that we call the creator. The truth is that WE are the creator – there is one energy in the universe that resides with us, around us – is us.
The Mystery School Tradition We are in an exciting period of rediscovery. Today, the mystery schools are coming back out into the open, available to all who are questing for the truth. One such school was my own alma mater, Sancta Sophia Seminary in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Santa Sophia means “holy wisdom”. Energetically, it is anchored in Christo/Sophia, Yin/Yang, a balanced aspect of the divine, integrating the divine masculine which is out-pictured during the Piscean age, with the incoming divine feminine of the Aquarian age.
Sophia leads us to a higher understanding of the wisdom that heals duality. Sophia does not threaten. she just withdraws when we do not accept her. Inner knowing, which is her way, is subtle and fragile, but has such power that when she makes herself known we feel her correctness and strength.
And now, beginning in 2019, under the name of the Golden Quest, local classes begin right here in Charlotte, NC The classes are open to all spiritual students and seekers who are yearning to know more of the truth, and to re discover a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the creator. The classes will specialize in an esoteric approach is to spirituality and transformation.